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Sock buns and my new favorite hair weapon!

A little messy, I know, but I was trying to make the bun really quickly.

Ok, I don’t fancy myself a beauty blogger, so this isn’t a post I’d normally be writing. However, I have recently discovered two tricks that I just HAVE to share with everyone. One is the “sock bun” and the other is a miracle product that I just discovered that tames even my most impossible fly-aways.

Another view...watching skiing, natch

I have medium-ish length straight hair, so it’s not too cooperative when I want to put it into a bun. So, I did a little googling and discovered the “sock bun” trick. Apparently, it’s been used in the military for years to make chic, put-together looking buns. And I must say, I’m in love!

First of all, to make your own sock bun, you’re going to have to make a “donut”. You need a regular sock, a nylon dress sock in a color similar to your hair color, and a pair of scissors.

materials: regular sock, dress sock, scissors, hair elastics. not shown: bobby pins

To make the donut, cut the toe off of the regular sock. This will make the whole sock into a tube. Start folding the tube around itself, starting with a 1/2 long piece at either end. Keep folding until you’ve rolled the entire sock into a donut. Next, 2/3 of the dress sock off so you have another tube. Wrap the dress sock tube around the donut, so now your donut is the same color as your hair.

above view

From there, put your hair into a ponytail. Pull your hair through the donut and push it up to the base of the pony. Fan all of your hair out around the donut and place a hair elastic around all of it at the base of the ponytail so that your hair is secured to the donut. And the hard part is over! :) From there, just secure all of the ends that are sticking out with bobby pins, and viola!

Seriously, it’s the simplest thing ever. I can’t believe I never knew about these!

Image via beautyblitz.com

Next, I want to tell you all about my favorite new product. John Frieda’s Full Repair Flyaway Tamer. I’ve had crazy flyways literally my whole life. It’s the curse of straight hair and static electricity.

Me around age 2...flyaways were prominent even then.

I read about it on Oprah.com, and decided to give it a try since nothing else I’ve ever done has worked. GUESS WHAT?! It tamed my unruly flyaway hairs! I am so amazed. AAAND, it’s half-off for only $5 at CVS this week…so run there and pick some up!

Do you have any new hair tricks you’re in love with?

xoxo, Karoline

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  1. Love the sock bun…unfortunately my hair is SO thick that when I make a sock bun its the size of a LARGE grapefruit! haha :)! But I love the sleek look of the sock bun :)

  2. Kyle

     /  December 13, 2011

    Hey I am reading this! P.S.It’s Kyle!

  1. A year ago toady… « Karoline With a "K"

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