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  • Button swap!

    Interested in a button swap? Great! Email me at kaz{at}zaclaw{dot}com, and we can set something up! My Button
    <a href="https://karolinez.wordpress.com/ title="Karoline with a 'K'"> <img src="http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/2749/3zgz.jpg" width="200" height="200" alt="My Button" style="border:none;" /></a>

I moved!

Hello everyone! I have moved my blog to karolinewithak.com! I feel so official! So, if you’d like to keep getting my posts and updates, please check back there in the future :)



An answer to the no-reply comment conundrum.


The purpose of today’s post is to help my fellow WordPress-ers with a problem that I had been experiencing for awhile…no-reply commenting. It’s a hassle. Before I dive any further into this post, though, I have to give a huuuuge THANK YOU to Sarah who is an all-around rockstar and was so patient in helping me to try and fix this problem and see if my solution worked. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I use WordPress to publish my blog. I have always been happy with the tools and platform the WordPress people have provided me with and it’s always the blog platform that I recommend to new bloggers looking for advice.

The problem?

Most of the blogs I read are published with Blogger.

You see, Blogger doesn’t play nice with commenters who don’t also use Blogger. When a blogger using Blogger (I know it’s confusing…bear with me) comments on another Blogger user’s post, it gets sent to their inbox and the blogger that wrote that post can reply to the comment as if it were a regular email. The commenter then gets the response sent to their email inbox and discourse can be formed. HOWEVER when a blogger using WordPress or some other platform comments on a blog published on Blogger, the comment is still sent to the blogger’s email, but it is sent from a “no-reply” address, and in order for the blogger to reply to the comment they have to track down the commenter’s email somehow so that they can reply to the comment via email. It’s a huge hassle for that blogger.

The reason that this is so annoying is because bloggers want to reply to their commenters. If someone was nice enough to make a comment on your post, it’s only common courtesy to send something back to at least say “hey, thanks for stopping by”.

You see, for bloggers using WordPress, this whole no-reply thing is a total non-issue. We can reply to any commenter–no matter what blog platform they use–via email. However, because I use WordPress, I was showing up as no-reply when I would comment on my favorite blogs. And then it was really hard for the bloggers I was commenting to to get in touch with me and keep the conversation going. so, I had to create a work around.

Photo on 7-9-13 at 9.08 PM #2

This is how WordPress makes me feel when they make it easy for me to send replies to my commenters (no matter what blogging platform they may or may not use).

Unfortunately, this work around involved creating a Blogger account and I am pretty against creating any accounts with Google…it’s just too Big Brother-y. However, create a blogger account I did. From there I set up a dummy blog titled the same as my one here on WordPress, Karoline with a “K”.

After creating the dummy account, go to Sarah’s blog and follow the instructions in her no-reply post. Once you’ve done that, come back here and I’ll show you how to have Blogger redirect to your WordPress account!

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How I felt going through this ridiculous process. Thanks for nothing, Google.

I then went into the blog’s template settings and clicked “edit HTML”. This opened up a page full of code. Somewhere near the top was the <head> tag. Immediately after that, I entered the following code: [note: if you do this, change “http://yoururl.com&#8221; to your actual URL!]

The purpose of this code is so that the blog redirects to my actual WordPress blog. In case it doesn’t redirect on its own for whatever reason, though, I created ONE post on the blog titled redirect, telling visitors to click on a link that bearings them here, to my actual site!

the end result is that I can now comment on my favorite Blogger blogs and also have those bloggers respond to me afterwards! I know that the process seems like a lot of work (it’s taken me weeks to figure out a work around that actually works), but if I can help even just one other WordPress user figure out this pain in the butt, I’ll be happy!

If you’re having issues with being a no-reply blogger, leave a comment and I’ll be sure to try and help as best as I can!!!


I’m back from vacation!

I’m back! I was without internet and couldn’t post for the last two weeks because I was with my family on the beautiful Maine coast, my favorite place in the world! We had a relaxing two weeks on the beach, although the weather was foggy and miserable pretty much our whole first week there. Luckily, during the second week the sun came out and it was hot. Just the way I like it. Below are a bunch of pictures I took on our trip!

I enjoyed watching the natural wildlife in our cove, including ducks (and super adorable ducklings!!), seals, and gorgeous herons!

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For much of the first week, we had nasty fog. But it was still good for practicing golf swings and going for sea glass walks…




Christine came up for a few days!! We went into Kennebunkport for shopping and lunch on one of her days up.



Our friend Katie also came up twice. The first time, she brought her dog, Faith, who just happens to be Maddy‘s mom!




My sister, Hannah, rocked it on guitar both at an open mic night and a campfire!



Katie, my brother, Tom, and I had a blast playing with sparklers!!



Sunsets were appreciated…




Inukshuks were built on the seawall…this is just a sampling, we basically built a whole village. My favorite was Katie’s giraffe that she made!




Lobster was eaten!



And an all-around awesome time was had by all. It was yet another amazing summer vacation at the beach. So perfect.









And now, back to the real world! More work, more applying to jobs, and more seeing friends. Oh, and more blogging :) I missed this over the last two weeks and I’m really excited to post again!


No Internet :(

So, posting from my phone is no fun, and I’m without wifi for my computer for a while, so I’m not really going to be able to make posts like I would like. I’m going to be looking into getting some guest posts, though, so stay tuned! :)

Hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine!

Xoxo, Karoline

I voted! And other weekend shenanigans.

Overall, I had an uneventful but fun and (mostly) relaxing weekend. Friday was spent watching golf and baseball, on Saturday I voted early in the Massachusetts senate election and went to work, and Sunday meant a grad party and errands with my madre. It was a great kick off to summer!

Friday afternoon, my mom and I watched day two of The Cities, Lowell’s annual golf tournament between the three local golf clubs. We hung out on the lawn at our local course and had a great time hanging out on the lawn, talking to friends, and watching the golfers come in for the 18th hole! Also…I had a drink with a movie star!

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Our view…isn’t it pretty?!

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It was fun watching the golfers come in!

Later that night, me and my dad went to the Spinners. It was the perfect night to watch a ball game and the Spinners ended up winning 4-0 while the pitchers combined for a 2-hitter. It was a great way to re-introduce myself to the ballpark as a fan!


We’ve been enjoying driving with the top down and the doors off the Jeep!


View from our seats at the game!

Then on Saturday, my family went to early voting for the MA senate race. It was my brother Tom’s first time voting in something that isn’t a primary, so that was a cool experience for him. I really love voting, I don’t care if it’s just a local election or for president, I just love getting out there and making sure my voice is heard.


Tom after voting.


Doing our civic duty!

After that, we went over to the Library so I can get cracking on that 100 books for my 30 before 30. I ended up getting Girls in White Dresses on the recommendation of Katie, a collection of funny little short stories called The Last Girlfriend on Earth, and a book on modern feminism called The End of Men: And the Rise of Women. The latter selection I think was heavily influenced on the feminist bent I took with my courses in my last semester at school. Just because I graduated doesn’t mean I have to leave the academic reading behind, right? If any of you have read these books yet, please don’t hesitate to let me know what you thought in the comments!


Oh, and I also bought that really creepy awesome Brad Marchand head at Target, and I can’t wait to figure out fun things to do with it. Like scare people. And bring it to the bar to watch game six of The Cup. Or sneak it into group photos…stay tuned!

How did you spend your weekend?


today I’m linking up with Weekend Shenanigans!